Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What Are You Willing To Do?

In my first post I talked about daring to imagine the life you want to live, daring to imagine that you could actually feel, see, and "be" in it --- smack dab in the middle of the life you have right now.
However, "seeing" it is just the first step, we must partner "action" with vision.
So in that vein, I ask: What Are You Willing to Do?"
What are you willing to give up, take on, revisit, or let go?
What bad habits -- either emotional or behavioural do you need to change?
This year, I've been working on changing some destructive and deepseated emotional habits that I know have hindered me from fully living the life for which I am Purposed.
Oftentimes it our mind's negative tapes that are the root of our self-sabotage.
These secret thieves, can be difficult to dig up.
Are you ready for the heavy lifting?
If you knew that all that stood between you and your dreams was a 'renewing of your mind' -- would you put in the necessary work?
7 months of stops and starts has not deterred me from trying to "root" out my internal resistance.
But there is more than just our internal work, we must modify our behaviours.
This blog is just one attempt to change mine.
If I want to write...then I must write!
Simple, but not always easy.
So again I ask, what are you willing to do?
If being debt-free is one of your "dreams", what are you willing to sacrifice in the "now" to ensure the "future"?
Are you willing to say no to the dinner out on the town and not feel the need to explain your budget decisions (notice i didn't say restrictions)?
Do you have the guts to downsize from a gas guzzler to a fuel efficient car and NOT feel the least bit diminished because your identity is NOT tied to your STUFF?
Whatever your heart's desire, whatever's on your life list -- are you "Willing to LIVE like no one else, so that you can LIVE like no one else"?
Just asking.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well Traci - I am so happy for you! I must say your words have "hit home" and on this the 13th anniversary of my marraige to a man I have been afraid to fully love.

I have been afraid because I did not feel deserving deep down in my soul...in my spirit. But because of the personal path I have been on and continue to stay on I can now say I am loving him fuller a more sincerely than I ever have in our 15 year relationship!

God has truely BLESSED me...I think your entry hit a nerve beacause in trying to learn how to live authentically, I have realized, it is not just about being okay with doing the "unpopular thing" or the "difficult thing". I have also learned it is about being able to recieve the blessings that are being bestowed on you. So to your point about debt freedom...I feel you!!

I have down played my blessings for years because I was afraid someone would "think" I was "thinking" I was better than them...or worse...I would be "found out", and my feelings of unworthiness would be public knowledge.

Then I would have to deal with why I could not be more vulnerable with my husband...treat him with more tenderness and humility, and list could goes on...

But now, I can say I have a good life and I can say I make mistakes and I can love and forgive my family and friends and accept them (genuinely)and love MYSELF and FORGIVE MYSELF...genuinely...and write this entry...publicly...

At this point I have taken up enough of your blogoshere...but your effort has TRUELY blessed me today...I am so glad I looked at my personal email today...ALL THE BEST TO YOU!!!

I can't wait to see again! Take Care!