Sunday, November 23, 2008

Slacker Mom

Looking at all the tv I watch, magazines I read, blogs I follow (I'm a media junkie)...I'm starting to question the status of my motherhood.
I see and hear about moms with 10 kids who grow their own food, women with high powered jobs...equally employed husbands and kids in 15 different activities.
So where does this leave me?
I work outside of the home, my hubby does also.
And so does my kid.
She goes to preschool from approximately 8:30am to 6:00p. four year old has a full time job.
So... does it make me a slacker mom because I don't have her in little gym, gymboree, gym for mommy and me...or any other gym u can think of on the weekends?
Am I a slacker mom 'cause she doesn't have a standing playdate with certain "right" kids.
Her playdates come up when they come up.
Otherwise daddy and I fill her dance card on the weekends.
Am I a slacker mom because (shh...don't tell anyone) sometimes she eats cereal for dinner and she has enough happy meal toys to make me sad.
Am I a slacker because she and her sleeping bag end up on my bedroom floor at least twice a week (hey how lucid and determined are u at 2 AM?)
Having said all this...the question I a slacker mom...or just a mom?

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